A community collaboration project with the Brooklyn Museum and YAI ARTS. A performance environment created to engage a neurodiverse public in collective dreaming.
Collaborators: Adrian Lewis, Alem Blount, Anel Jean Baptiste, Dieurisaint Andre, Eric Magnus, Jerry Lipsky, Michelle Wensmann, Mirana Zuger, Mohammad Aghebati, Peter Rosario, Rosita Ramos, and Samuel Ho
This video was created during the performance of DIRTBAGS. Performers interacted with a laptop on stage throughout the piece and were secretly recorded by a stop motion animator built in Max/MSP by Rebecca Posner. This sped-up animation was then projected at the end of the performance, revealing the alternative audience perspective of the laptop.
A performance piece for laptop and audience.
Collaboratively devised and performed with Cara Juan, Eric Magnus, and Rebecca Posner
at the New Workshop Theatre - Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts in December 2014
PIMA class work
from Fall 2014
Header photo by Tal Yarden.